Video is no longer optional for savvy digital marketers. B2B and B2C audiences are begging for more video. This trend toward video has been happening for a while now, but it has only recently reached the point where if you are not including video in your digital marketing strategy you could be derailing your efforts while at the same time leaving your audience uninspired.

I have been delivering “marketing in motion" to my clients for years. You name it, I’ve shot it at some point! What's different about our new focus on “motion” and the process to properly execute these projects is that it’s less focused on supplementing your content marketing strategy with an occasional video, but rather using video to drive results across all channels making high quality video a key component of social, web, email and nurturing campaigns.

Examples of how we’re putting it all in motion include:


Let’s examine some key data points:

  • Social media buttons on mobile video ads increase engagement 36%
  • Over half of consumers are more confident in an online purchase when there is a product video
  • Video in email can boost open rates by 20% and increase click-through rates 2X
  • Email subject lines that have the word “Video” in them have 19% more opens and 65% more click-throughs
  • 75% of consumers (and 65% of executives!) visit a website after watching a video
  • An increase of 20% in conversion rates on home pages that feature a video

Finally, 70% of marketers say video converts better than any other content they use. That last point is key into why we are providing greater emphasis on putting “marketing in motion” and executing these projects to be better, faster, bolder, more fun and more creative – it’s what will make our clients more successful and profitable.

We’d love to hear from you! How are you putting your marketing “in motion"? What challenges are you facing? What successes have you had? Let’s get together and figure out how to make your video content marketing tactics amazing. Contact us today!